Case 39 movie trailer They

Case 39 movie trailer

They finally win the DVD war only to lose it to economic times and fast approaching technology which will eclipse it. Greed and poor economic timing will eventually doom the blu-ray. Good god almighty! Who the hell wrote this? A 10th grader?? Why does Afterdawn insist on hiring 21yo bloggers to do their stories? At LEAST hire someone with either an English writing degree or someone who has a few years experience writing articles. I believe vurbal see just below the articles title did this one. Hes been writing articles here for a while so I am sure its alright. Even if it isnt the best english maybe he is just a bit tired and forgot to grammar check it. ; I like seeing reports like this. Its fun to watch companies like this try and predict the future, only to see them revise their estimates every few months. Two days ago they issued a press release boldly predicting Blu-ray will dominate the home video market in 2014 only to be overtaken by online video three years later. I find this prediction interesting because, while I personally dont care for Blu-Ray, if online video will take over in such a short time after Blu-Ray takes case 39 movie trailer DVD than why would anyone want to bother with Blu-Ray at all? Its articles like this that make me feel that afterdawn should change the category of News to something more appropriate like OP-ED or Editorial. It would be more accurate and honest that way. The term news implies objectivity. You cant find much of that in this article, or say the seemingly endless series on DTV transition. Theres a notable slant, driven by an unveiled agenda that pushes the news beyond being fact driven to being heavily driven by opinion. Blu-Ray, Smu-ray, I know that my HD DVD will win, thats why Ive bought the player, discs and TV to match lets see them crystal ball that what! its what!Damn it, looks like Ill have to fall back on my Betamax, Laserdisc and my trusty 8-track. Seriously, the only thing stopping Blu-Ray taking off are the ridiculous prices they expect people to pay. Until ISPs stop screwing over their consumers with caps and bad plans online video aint happening, for now BR is it. Until ISPs stop screwing over their consumers with caps and bad plans online video aint happening, for now BR is it. This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 08 Feb 2009 12:57 Until ISPs stop screwing over their consumers with caps and bad plans online video aint happening, for now BR is it. Yeah of how people listened to Obamas content before voting for him? s dont stop Netflix streaming online jackass. Not paying attention are we? ISPs are starting to limit bandwidth in a mis guided effort to throw the baby out with the bath water. The larger ISPs are part of the media mafia and they will do everything they can to push consumers off them and back into buying media from traditional sources. And then there is shoehorning in the tiered net witch is coming becusr big brother is paid to look the other way. Until ISPs stop screwing over their consumers with caps and bad plans online video aint happening, for now BR is it. Yeah of how people listened to Obamas content before voting for him? s dont stop Netflix streaming online jackass. Not paying attention are we? ISPs are starting to limit bandwidth in a mis guided effort to throw the baby out with the bath water. The larger ISPs are part of the media mafia and they will do everything they can to push consumers off them and back into buying media from traditional sources. And then there is shoehorning in the tiered net witch is coming becusr big brother is paid to look the other only use one part of my quote. However, people can read what I wrote so it clearly wont be misinterpreted. Im wondering why you didnt put in my part of the quote where I agreed with you that ISP are limiting bandwidth? Maybe you are just here to start trouble which is clearly the case. This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 06 Feb 2009 20:27 knock it off the both of you or you are both off this site!! UNDERSTAND!!! Two days ago they issued a press release boldly predicting Blu-ray case 39 movie trailer dominate the home video market in 2014 only to be overtaken by online video three years later. vurbal needs to re-visit the original article. The original article doesnt say that online will overtake BD by 20 SNL Kagan projects that case 39 movie trailer DVD will attain 7% market share in 2014, with 1 billion in revenue. By 2017, this figure is expected to soar to 8%, or 6 billion.

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