Redline chemistry ultragigantor

Redline chemistry ultragigantor

Come on Update incorrect info. Do you really believe EngadgetHD would post anything like this? No, EngadgetHD prefer rumors and everything that is biased towards Blu-ray. Yay! With the most logical, BD player for most people starting at 400! One format woo-! wait a 400? No, thanks. Ill pass for now. You guys might redline chemistry ultragigantor to consider clarifying in your article that these player numbers are standalones only they do not count PS3 and XBOX Add-Ons. It will probably save you a lot of heartache later. : They say that these figures DO NOT include PS3 and Xbox 360 add opinion is that to do so would squeeze out the red even more. I bought a PS3 and the guy in front of me bought a PS3 and I notice he had the blu-ray remote as well and then on the way out of Best Buy, another guy stopped me to ask if I was buying it as a blu-ray player, after confirming that, he told me he had done that as well just before Christmas. The PS3 is difficult to add into these numbers but the factor is one thing is for sure, I redline chemistry ultragigantor a PS3 last week to be used as a blu-ray player primarily until such time I decide to rent a game or They might want to clarify, period. Not so fast, says the NPD Group. While select articles have implied that HD-DVD as a format is doomed and the sky is falling for the formats supporters, the NPD Group this afternoon reinforced that sales results from a single week do not necessarily indicate a trend, and that the week in question had several intriguing variables that have gone unreported. Fortunately, Slashdot is covering it. Thats hilarious because theres no way blu-ray players were outselling HD DVD players prior to that announcemt like the first graph portrays, and that 2nd graph is most likely counting ps3s to make it look that good. considering that HD DVD players are still by far outselling blu-ray players on amazon. yes because amazon is the only retailer that sells high def players. Idiot. Its hilarious because its absolutely, completely true. And there are still plenty of people like that just refuse to believe it. Kris, instead of using opinion for statements of fact, try backing them up with reliable will make your life seem a little less Wow. Someone is in total denial. But, but cheaper players have to sell? No. No they dont. Because all things are not equal content, so competing on price means didly-squat. That is because of the free blu-ray players the same tactic as BOGO blu-ray discs. I am so done w/this war. Im an HD-DVD owner, and Im willing to concede.

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